Burnception Live Streaming From The Playa in BRCvr

Here are my Burning Man 2020 Photos!

There are roughly a Quintillion photos on this page. Please be patient while this massive page loads. All of my Burning Man images are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial license. If you share them you must attribute the photographs to me by name and link to Duncan.co This means you cannot sell my photographs, make prints of them, or make money from them in any way whatsoever. That includes advertising on a website.

Rough Year

It was a tough year out on the playa but the art was like totes amazing. I really struggled this year to make it happen. Between the global pandemic, wearing a mask 24/7, and the heat, it was just a slog to make all these photos. I was pretty tired coming into the burn but I tried my best as usual. The photos are mostly in reverse chronological order. If you look at the filename it will tell you the date.


Here is a Burning Man 2020 playlist I made for you to enjoy while browsing these images. I think you need to be signed in to Spotify (on the web) and have shields down on yur Brave Browser to listen right here. For some reason the player wont get any bigger than the box below so you might have to open the playlist in a new window.

UPDATES Sep 18 2020

The Photos!

Click on any photo (Right click and open in new window or command click on mac for a new window so you don’t lose your place) to open the photo at full resolution.

(Wait for it. There is more to this than you think. Click Continue Reading if you’re on the main page of Duncan.co to see the images)










Well That Was Exhausting

If you made it this far good for you! That must have been exhausting. You might have noticed most of these photos are not from the playa in 2020. These photos are from an alternate universe. A timeline where we’re in a global pandemic and I decided to “take a year off” by painstakingly combing through every single photograph I’ve ever shot at Burning Man and picking out “a few” images that I’ve never published before. I went through all ~90,000+ photos I’ve shot on the playa selected images, processed them, captioned them, and uploaded them. It has taken me several months to make this. Many of the photos were passed over the first time around for various reasons. Most often they were technically wrong or I had “too many people” or “too many art” pictures in the set for that particular year. Many images here have also new meaning now that some time has gone by. Whatever the case these images hadn’t seen the light of day until now.

Wait HALP plz!
As you’ve seen I make LOTS of mistakes when I post a bunch of images like this. I would really appreciate any comments (very bottom of this page) or direct emails ( DuncanRawlinson@gmail.com ) telling me how to correct them. For example you could tell me the names of various unknown pieces or art. Command + F on mac or CTRL + F on PC for Name Unknown and you will see how many names I couldn’t figure out or remember. My brain is completely mush now so please forgive my errors. Feel free to email me and tell me how I’m doing it wrong in general. I will then update this post to reflect your comment or email. Copy the link to the photo so I’ll know which photo you’re talking about please or attach the photo in the email.

Thank You To My Family
Thank you Dorothy and my kids for allowing me to spend nights working on this photo gallery over the past few months. I love you so much!

More Thank Yous
Thank you to: Sarge (master of networks), Vaike, Marian, Will Roger, Crimson Rose (for taking pity on me for being late to a meeting because I was in the sky), Scott London, Loominary for the stream, Danee Hazama, Purple Haze, Jeremy G, Jeremy, Jazzy, Jamen, Drew, Harold, Tracey, the Epiphany & Co crew, and all of Awesomesauce.

Shout Outs
Shout out to all the multiverse build teams (especially BRCvr!), the streamers, the designers, the DJs, the performers, the behind the scenes server gods, the artists, the volunteers, ORG Staff, the Medical support, DPW, Fire Conclave, Media Mecca, and on and on. I could go on forever. I’m just grateful and humbled by all of the work you’ve done and continue to do to make this such a vibrant community.

I’m immensely grateful and fortunate to have been a part of all this over the years. I hope to see you in 2021. If we get together I’ll be the guy with a camera who looks like a dorky tourist and is very polite.

Keep Burning Man weird and potentially fatal!

Wait, next year actually was better?


Even more photos:

My Burning Man 2019 Photos:

My Burning Man 2018 Photos:

My Burning Man 2017 Photos:

My Burning Man 2016 Photos:

My Burning Man 2015 Photos:

My Burning Man 2014 Photos:

My Burning Man 2013 Photos:

My Burning Man 2012 Photos:

Donate to Burning Man here

Donate at least the amount you would have spent on your ticket if you can.


4 responses to “Burning Man 2020 Photos”

  1. VR98 Avatar

    Holy S**t!

    1. Duncan Rawlinson Avatar

      No need to censor yourself here heh.

  2. James R. Bruch Avatar
    James R. Bruch

    Thank you for this. took me home.

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