I just realized I wanted to post something and I thought about all the people it could offend. I have all these people that I worry about now when I blog. Are they my editors? In the past I would post no matter how offensive or politically charged. Does this make the site boring or mature? Is it better to be puppy dogs and ice cream or rated R?

Is it a good thing that I keep things to myself now that I would have posted in the past? Sometimes I think about the fact that what I write here that could be brought up in the most embarrassing possible situations in like 2028.

It’s also interesting to think about people I haven’t spoken to in ages who might be reading. Any old friends out there? How many closet readers are out there? (check out the style of that post)

Lots of questions about the implications of blogging in my sinus clogged noggin this morning.






3 responses to “Having A Voice”

  1. Rebecca M Avatar
    Rebecca M

    I think you are foolish to feel like you need to censor what you write. Be proud of who you are…a brilliant, amazing gentleman who has thoughtful insights to share with the rest of us. Show people who you really are and express it exactly how you would with NOBODY reading it! That way everyone understands exactly why I fell in love with you. ;-)

  2. bill Avatar

    Please dude.
    Speak your mind. Best thing about thelastminute is the honesty.

  3. Rebecca Rawlinson Avatar
    Rebecca Rawlinson

    I think Rebecca M said it best. Word.