Ever find it annoying that iTunes stops playing after playing one podcast? What if you want to listen to Hype Machine or some other podcast with a bunch of short clips one after the other? Heres my solution:

Just create a smart playlist of podcasts like this:

Continuous Podcast Playback

Now the ‘podcasts’ videos mp3s etc will playback continously.




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6 responses to “How To Have Continuous Podcast Playback in iTunes”

  1. Kris Avatar

    This no longer works… Grrr… any other solutions out there?

  2. Duncan Avatar


    i got nothin

    i’ll look into it

  3. Drunkel Avatar

    It worked for me, just can’t use shuffle mode.

  4. Keith M Avatar
    Keith M

    It’s easier just to highlight the title of a given podcast list then under “File” click “New Playlist From Selection” resulting in the entire podcast becoming a Playlist that plays continuously.

  5. Jeff Van Campen Avatar

    Absolutely brilliant. It worked perfectly. Thanks for sharing.